People’s additional issues with complex diagnosis are often blamed on their main disease, not addressed because there’s so many bigger issues, or dismissed as psychological - leading to missing underlying drivers to pain. There are so many drivers to pain as it gets more complex and patients brain mapping and inhibition gets more impacted. It is not as simple as, go to the Dr who will diagnose my pain or PT who will make it go away.

So, how can YOU better clean up the things that are inadvertently adding to your output of pain?

Look at the Foundation

A lot of underlying drivers that get missed stem from poor brain mapping and sensory deficits that arise from the compensations we develop living in constant pain, having various implants/surgeries, or trying to work around excruciating parts of our body.

Learn What Your Brain Needs

If you want to explore solutions to some of these common underlying issues that lead to more pain alongside complex diagnoses that often get missed in traditional PT, join the interest list for my beginner neuro movement class, starting soon.

Beginner Neuro Movement Class

  • 30 min weekly live Zoom call

    This is a weekly group workout where we explore various upper and lower extremity sensory strategies to improve reflexive stability, weakness/spasm cycles, pain from compensations, brain mapping issues, and sensory challenges heightened by living in chronic pain, hypermobility, neurodivergence, neuropathies etc. Surgeries and devices like ports and spinal cord stimulators create further challenges in muscle recruitment.

  • Unique Sensory Stratgies

    We will integrate unique proprioceptive, visual and vestibular cues to improve the information your brain is getting in, so it positively affects the motor output coming out, and you can build better movement patters. We will layer in strategies week to week that give you more awareness and understanding of your body that transfer outside of class. There will also be 10 mins after for some Q's/discussion.

Add yourself to receive more information on the beginner neuro movement class for complex pain patients.

Coming in October…

You have more life to live. Let’s get to it.