As Heard On

As Heard On

Different conversations with Justine on:

  • Her personal background, CRPS story and MARSMethod

  • Entrepreneurship, work-life balance, imposter syndrome

  • Finding purpose through pain

  • How to love a body that causes us such pain

  • Patient empowerment and advocacy

  • Conservative pain management strategies

  • Pain-specific topics like dysautonomia, movement, and stress

It’s not about living a pain-free life, it’s about living the best you can despite it.
— Justine Feitelson

Print articles

  • Justine was honored to be the warrior of the month for the Conquer CRPS Foundation in January 2023. Lea n about her CRPS story here and visit Conquer CRPS for more.

  • Learn more about some of the defining moments behind my entrepreneurial ventures, what I’m most proud of with RWC and why resilience is such a central piece of it

  • You can find the article on their home page titled, Kicking Imposter Syndrome to the Curb.’ Appreciate the opportunity to share about this common topic in entrepreneurship!

  • Gain more insight into how I manage work/life balance, what my work represents and how I have partnered with others on similar missions to create the changes we need between pain patients and providers.

Host a podcast or publication on pain related topics you’d like a guest for? Feel free to reach out below.