1:1 Patient Programs

Why is health and fitness the norm for comparatively healthy people, yet taboo or a luxury for people who’s quality of life depends on it most?

Health doesn’t come from eradicating illness. It comes from increasing wellness.

“Wellness is illness but with a ‘we’ instead of an ‘i’…

because WE can do this.

— Movement Coach


Resilience can be learned and trained, and is the most critical skill for thriving with chornic pain.


If you're somebody who lives with CRPS or other complex pain, you are not too sick to make changes. There is always something you can do. Many people when they start with me are unsure if they're going to be able to be consistent enough, really decrease pain, if I'll be too intimidating, if they'll disappoint me or often, if they'll dissapoint themselves.

The reality is that never really happens. Because there's a multitude of things we're working to improve symptoms. So no matter where you're at, we're working on the things that are affecting your life now until you grow into being able to utilize movement more. If you've tried everything or don't want to have to, please reach out. I can help.

A note on costs

For more no-cost resources, please check out the resources tab, sign up for the RWC Newsletter, listen to It’s Not in Your Head Podcast, or visit Empower You Foundation for even more patient education and content.

I know finances are often a concern. Being in the position to spend precious expendable income on more healthcare is never what one wants. My goal is to help patients be more self-sufficient and taken advantage of less so they can decrease the overall cost of care tremendously going forward and avoid further losses - not profit off pain myself. My clients find what they get out of my programs is far more than the price, and despite keeping it as low as possible for the quality/value provided, I know it can still be a lot - which I also why I offer different 1:1 services and many free resources.

Clinics that take advantage of patients desperation, tout unproven therapies, and lack truly individualized care, charge $12, $20, 50K+ because they promise miracles. I’ve been where you are and and understand the wanting it to just go away. I know how scary it can feel to bet on yourself, but betting on yourself is the best bet you can make because it’s your body. Medical trauma creates an understandable lack of trust and valid fear over another person overselling and underdelivering. But I promise hope, not miracles, and can guarantee results because these are proven programs and education that are not taught this way anywhere else.

How many other professional have you spent money on, or will continue to if you keep going like this? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. Let’s change things, together.

Schedule a Patient Evaluation to learn which of the below programs is appropriate for you.


MARSMethod Mentorship

This program is like a 1:1 outpatient pain program. (Appropriately individualized, without the harm).

After completing a patient evaluation with Justine, you can join the Mentorship where we create a comprehensive plan we implement together, teaching you the full MARSMethod in your own environment and real challenges - so you can better understand your pain, what’s happening in your body, and how we can impact it in ways you never have before. This Mentorship is NOT like other pain programs. You’ll learn how to integrate the MARS Method strategies in your own environment/triggers with Justine. We identify the realities of your routine, resources, and other barriers we must consider in creating a sustainable step-by-step plan we progress and implement together week to week in real time.

This program is for patients who:

  • Require/benefit from the highest amount of support

  • Want to become less reliant on medications

  • Are very sedentary and want to become more active/independent

  • Are ready to impact the pieces of their life they can to decrease pain

  • Have tried everything there is to try and exhausted programs/viable treatment options

  • Have been diagnosed with central sensitization, or have symptoms of:

    • Sensory sensitivity, sleep disturbance, extreme, fatigue, cognitive impairment, mood dysfunction, motor disturbance or dystonia(s)

The MARSMethod Mentorship includes:

  • 90 min Initial Intake

  • 60 min Movement Assessment

  • Twelve 50 minute video calls (incl. recordings with lifetime access)

  • CoachRx app client portal, check-ins, messaging, and feedback on ongoing movement and lifestyle prescriptions

  • Unlimited communication with Justine between sessions

  • MARSMethod resources and education

  • Access to evolving movement library

  • Please complete all sessions within 4 months. Of course things come up, and we can space appts out appropriately, but consistency is KEY!


What Do You Impact As a Patient?


Individualized movement strategies tailored to your unique brain and tolerances including desensitization, release techniques, proprioceptive, visual, and vestibular sensory strategies, stability, strength and aerobic programming strategies, all through a nervous system system lens so you can desensitize the impaired extremity and do more.


Increase your intention in all areas of your life so you can begin to identify how your current habits actually affect pain, and positively impact symptoms with mindfulness and diaphragmatic breathing. Once you improve your understanding of what affects your symptoms, anxiety, depression etc. and can see the patterns that tie into your pain, you can affect them.


Unfortunately without predictable, dependable recovery, you don’t give yourself a chance with this disease. A lot of our daytime behaviors affect energy management and sleep. Improving circadian rhythm, sleep/wake cycle, nap hygiene, meal quality, timing, and sourcing and pacing strategies are critical to better manage persistent insomnia and fatigue.


Pain is inextricably tied to our sympathetic drive. That’s why learning how to better manage stress and impact your nervous system by improving your daily routine, boundaries, and down-regulating strategies so you are less helpless and more in control of your life, increasing your bodies sense of safety and capacity so you can sustainably layer more in.

What Will You Learn?

  • Sleep hygiene and circadian rhythm: We deal with the physical and mental challenges around sleep. How to fall asleep easier, anchor your sleep cycle better, nap less. We’ll audit daytime behaviors that are inadvertently making it tougher to fall asleep and improve your environment, so you get better sleep quality, wake up with more energy and have less dips during the day.

  • Meal quality and timing: We all know we need to eat better, but how to get healthier food easier and more consistently isn’t easy with these symptoms. You’ll gain strategies to make sourcing easier and improve systems around prep with limited energy or standing capacity, taking specific common challenges/needs into account like protein with hEDS, gastroparesis, nausea, lack of appetite, food aversions and intolerances.

  • Energy management and pacing: The daytime side of recovery. You’ll learn how to better manage allostatic load, progress activities properly, organize yourself more sustainably, and know when to ‘push’ and when to ‘listen to your body’, integrating pressure release valves and built in flexibility that allow you to still achieve goals. As I semi-joke, “it’s not about doing less, it’s about being less stupid”. How you organize yourself matters. As you gain capacity with increased recovery and lower stress, you earn more freedom with this.

  • Mood and stress strategies: How to better manage your nervous system and down-regulate on demand with various breathing and mindfulness we progress so you can lower your sympathetic, get stress out of our bodies better, separate from stressful thoughts easier and decrease anxiety as a global sensitizer. Your perspective with pain matters. This is a safe space to talk about the challenges it creates with connection and other things we love but struggle to sustain, and how to work around that better so depression has less of an impact too.

  • Sustainable movement: You’ll learn how to better address the neuromuscular inhibition and sensory issues that develop, plan and execute movement with less pain and flares, and more ways to begin to overcome intense pain, neuropathy, and the resulting weakness and compensations. You’ll leave with strategies to improve brain mapping in different areas, joint differentiation, and the weakness/spasm cycle that develops from how you’ve had to adapt to moving your body around pain and challenges with proprioception e.g. hypermobility in particular.

  • Individualized pain science: The challenge of chronic pain is deciphering how much is due to amplifiers, contributors, identifiable causes and past experiences - and what specific types of pain are contributing to the output of someones symptoms. It’s in teasing out all the inputs resulting in the outputs the patent is experiencing. Pain intervention is responsible for part of that, we are responsible for addressing the ones we can which include peripheral sensitizations, brain mapping issues, scars, inhibition etc. so you can decrease the amount of positive feedback loops increasing your overall pain levels and amount of symptoms.

The Mentorship is $2600, or 3 payments of $970.

Individual Design Program

This program is like having a Fitness Coach or Personal Trainer. (Who’s also a Pain Coach).

After completing a full evaluation with Justine, if you have a good handle on the aspects of pain management taught in the MARSMethod Mentorship, you can do to the individual design program. This is an individualized approach to your training or exercise program progressed in a way that reflect your unique diagnosis, compensations, fitness level and issues by someone who lives this.

You may have graduated PT, have goals around strength/body composition as well as movement quality, or just want to become increasingly more active in a more structured way that feels more like ‘fitness’ than rehab (though we can meet you wherever you’re at).

This program is designed for patients who only want/need to focus on movement, but:

  • Don’t yet feel comfortable from an exercise selection standpoint

  • Need more guidance on workout structure and organization

  • Don’t have their own workouts they want to do (I provide them)

  • Keep flaring from what they’re doing

  • Desire accountability/support without a ton of face time

  • Want a personalized program to follow

The Individual Design Program includes:

  • 60 min Movement Assessment

  • Monthly 50 min video consults to troubleshoot, tweak the program design and integrate additional neuro strategies

  • CoachRx app exercise programming and feedback with appropriately progressed stability, strength and aerobic workouts week to week

  • Calls recorded with lifetime access

  • Unlimited communication with Justine between sessions

  • Access to evolving movement library

  • The individual design program has a 3 month minimum.

The Individual Design Program is $995 every 3 months, or 3 payments of $400.

Private Movement Sessions

This program is like going to Physical Therapy. (From a structure/focus perspective).

After completing a full evaluation with Justine, if appropriate, you can work with her just on neuro movement strategies . This is a brain-based approach to movement emphasizing sensory strategies that reflect your unique diagnosis, compensations, and brain mapping and movement challenges. These may be from underlying compensation patterns or disease.

You are not given a structured program or any strength/aerobic programming to follow, and there are no official lifestyle prescriptions or use of the CoachRx platform (though we may talk a little life and challenges with habits relatied to things that affect movement, energy, pain etc. But we focus on individualized movement on calls with key points to integrate into your movement and daily life after; you are responsible for the rest of your exercise/movement outside of private sessions.

This is for patients who want to improve:

  • Weakness/spasms cycles, areas of inhibition, brain mapping issues

  • Underlying reflexive stability

  • Muscle imbalances/length tension relationships

  • Walking (gait), weight spread

  • Sensory deficits/sensitivities and other symptoms or movement issues related to CRPS, hyper mobility, neuropathy, neurological conditions, implants like spinal cord stimulators etc.

Private sessions include:

  • 50 min Zoom call(s)

  • Recorded with lifetime access

  • Home exercise program guidance / application

  • You may go session by session and at whatever frequency you’d like

Private Movement Sessions are $175/each.

Schedule a Patient Evaluation to take the first steps and learn more about which program is most appropriate for you.

For more no-cost resources, please check out the resources tab, sign up for the RWC Newsletter, listen to It’s Not in Your Head Podcast, or visit Empower You Foundation for even more patient education and content.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • In the MARSMethod Mentorship we evaluate the previous weeks/months goals, troubleshoot stressors/challenges from previous period, go over exercise programming, cover resources/handouts, learn new movement techniques, and discussing medical/pain aspects of care. This is a real relationship, and I take a whole person centered approach to my care.

    In the Individual Design Program consults we go over exercise program design related issues.

    In Private Movement Sessions we focus on brain-based neuro movement strategies

  • We will typically have a scheduled recurring time to meet that works or you. That being said, this is life with chronic pain and treatments and if there wasn’t some flexibility we wouldn’t be successful. That’s why you have 16 weeks to complete the 12 session in the Mentorship.

    In other programs, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance.

  • To start, just some basic, accessible items so we can guarantee proper exercise selection, appropriately progress movement, and implement release techniques and sensory strategies. I'll provide a list of recommendations for mobility tools and bands, and based upon your unique situation and goals, discuss anything additional you may need as we progress. There is no need for a gym membership nor any expensive equipment to start.

  • Yep! You can pay in full to receive a discount, or in monThly installments for the MARSMethod Mentorship or Individual Design Program.

    Private Movement Sessions can be paid for by appointment as you go, or in regular chunks if preferred.